Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Well... my favorite dish is Sushi! It’s so delicious and fresh, and it has my two favorites ingredients, which are rice and fresh seafood. The seafood is all raw, but with soya (or lemon) is perfect! I really love any kind of seafood, and I really love rice.
Sushi comes from Japan, and I think that if I’d live in Japan, I’d be very happy. Though sushi in Japan is more simple, cause in Chile we are grosser and put into the sushi all kind of things, like cheese cream, almonds, avocado, etc. And in Japan is only rice and raw seafood, and just a little of soya.

The first time I ate sushi, was on a friend’s house, and that time I didn’t like… surely I was mad…And like three years later I ate it again and I loved it. Now my brother and I are Sushi lovers, and we go out to eat sushi frequently.
I really recommend you sushi, and though it is pretty expensive, it won’t leave you hungry definitely.

I once tried to make sushi, but it was a disaster, because it is really hard, the rice is very sticky, and I didn’t know how to cut the seafood… and at the end it didn’t even taste good!
So I recommend you to just buy it.

To make sushi you must have rice, nori, sushi vinegar, and some seafood like salmon, or shrimp, which are the most basic and easier to cook.
But also you must have the cooking tools to make sushi, because it is really complicated if you do it just for your own.

If you want to eat sushi now… I recommend you Zoniko a delivery sushi.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A photograph that I like...

Flower Power
This is the photograph that I like the most because it represents the no-violence, and peace.
The flower represents the Flower Power movement that begins at the oldies 60’s and early 70’s in Bekerley, California as a symbolic action of protest against Vietnam War. Ginsberg wrote an essay on 1965 titled “How to make a March/Spectacle, and advocated thar prostesters should be provided with “masses of flowers” to hand out policeman, press, politicians and spectators. They wanted to make something like a street theater showing their anti-war movement on a very creative way, and very beautiful by the way. This movement was represented specifically by the hippies, althought I think that not only them must have though that way.
I think that those ways to represents peace and no-violence now are kinf of forgotten, because now, although there are many people that wants to represents their ideals on a pacific way, there are many people too that don’t respect that and ends to resort to force.
Those times, there were many important people that “fight” for peace, like John Lennon and Yoko Ono with their slogan “War is Over, if you want it” and “Give peace a chance”, those were very strong messages. And many other representations for peace, like Woodstock. But this times seems that things have changed and people care about other things, and the media doesn’t inform properly to people.
And the most sadly thing is that those artist that “fight” for peace are almost all dead or too old, and the artist of nowday don’t care about moving people to fight for their ideals when they easily could do that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The most important day of my life

I think the most important day of my life was when my parents gift me my first pet.
It was when I was twelve years old, and I was spending the weekend with my Family in Peumo (this is where my family comes from), and my sister stayed at home in Santiago and she called me and told me that there was a living gift for me at home, and that it was furry, so I guess immediately that it was a dog!! And I told my parents to travel immediately to Santiago to meet my first pet. And when I arrived home I finally meet her, and she was very tinny and cute, I wanted to cry because she was so extremely cute hahaha!!
She is an English cocker and when I met her she was only 3 months and now she is 7 years old, and she is a little overweight hehehe…but she is still very cute and furry.
Her name is Florencia, and she was gifted from our neighbor because she has Florencia’s Mother whose name was Reina, and she had a lot of puppies, so our neighbor gave us one of them for free.
She is like one person more at home; she does what she wants, like sleeping on my pillows when I’m not at home. And we take her anyway we go, everybody at home love her, and she knows that hahaha.
So Florencia gave me my most important day of my life because I love her so much and she gives me a smile everyday <3.
Here is my Flonganiza:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My favorite technology is...

My favorite technology is my celphone because I can do almost anything with it ! And I use it everyday.
I use it the most to call obviusly, and I call the most to my boyfriend and my family.
I also can send messages with it that help me when I am in problems and I can take pictures with it in any moment, so it is just like bringing a camera with me.
When I am boring I can surf on internet, but I usually visit facebook and write about things on my status, and visit my friend’s facebook and I like stalking my boyfriend’s facebook.
And I use internet when I have to search things for university or for my friends, the directions of someplace or telephone numbers, etc. Because of this it is really useful.
I also can download games like Angry birds, which is my favorite game. And download free music, I spend a lot of time downloading a lot of music.
And I can watch videos on youtube, it is really funny.
My parents bought it for me, because the said that I will need a celphone with internet for the university, though I use it more for entertainment  as you can see.